Hidden Lakes Homeowners Association Annual Homeowners Meeting Notice
Dear Homeowners,
The Hidden Lakes Master Homeowner’s Association annual meeting and board member election is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29, 2024. The meeting will be held at the Sky Creek Ranch Golf Club located at 600 Promontory Drive in Keller within Hidden Lakes. The Hidden Lakes Master Association Annual Meeting of the Owners and Election will begin at 6:30 pm, with check in beginning at 6:00 pm. There is one (1) open position available on the five (5) member board with the open positions holding a three (3) year term. We have one candidate running for the position. Please find attached a short biography and photo of the one candidate running for the Hidden Lakes Board of Directors. Our guest speaker for our meeting this year will be Mayor Armin Mizani who will speak about his vision for the City of Keller.
The association must have a quorum of 10% of the membership to conduct the business of the association at this meeting. This means that we must have 192 lots represented by any of the following three options: either by paper proxy prior to the meeting, proxy or ballot submitted electronically prior to the meeting, or by paper ballot in person when you sign in prior to the meeting beginning.
The association will send out the meeting notice by US Mail and by email, which will contain the meeting information and election ballot. Proxy, raffle prize information, and candidate biographies and photos will also be included. Please be on the lookout for this very important mail and email.
Important - Please make sure you have provided an updated email address with the HOA per Texas state law. All electronic voting will be linked to only one valid email address per household that you provide to the HOA. Please send an email to manager@hlhoa.com with your updated email address.
Michael Rodriguez
General Manager,
Hidden Lakes Master Association, Inc.